Getting Your Business Ready for 2020

Make sure your business is prepared for the new year.

It’s amazing to think we’ll soon be in the next decade, and while 2020 always sounded like the distant future, it’s almost here. However, with the world in an uncertain place and an economy that seems to be fluctuating all the time, it can be difficult to know where your business is going to be in a few years. That’s why forward planning and preparation is so important for businesses, and here are a few things you can do to get your company in the best possible position for the future.

Find industry events

In the digital age, many companies focus mostly on their online efforts, meaning they don’t get much face to face time with potential clients, employers, or partners. However, attending industry events can boost your business and your career, as you build relationships with the right people and ensure that your pitches meet the right people.

Prepare for automation

Many people are pretty confident that their job won’t be automated, but you’ll be surprised how many roles could be replaced by robots and software in the next few years. Around a quarter of jobs are at high risk from automation, which means businesses are going to have to make some tough decisions about the people they employ and whether to replace them in order to make higher profits. However, automation could well be a good thing for your business, freeing up employees from boring, repetitive tasks and allowing them to be more creative and take on skilled tasks.

Work on your online presence

Social media is more important than ever, with around 54 percent of millennials using social media to make purchasing decisions. The new year is a good time to review your social media strategy, so take some time to look at your engagement statistics and start brainstorming some ideas to improve your numbers. It’s also worth reviewing your website and thinking about your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. SEO is evolving all the time, so it’s important to keep your strategy up to date. Spending some time working with a local SEO company ensures that your website doesn’t disappear onto page two of Google.

Look at what your competitors are doing

If your business is doing well and you’re happy enough with the figures, then you might not have spent much time thinking about the competition. However, it’s important to see what’s going on in your industry, so you don’t fall behind. Visit their websites or take a few mystery shopping trips to get inspiration for your own expansion plans.

Update your cybersecurity

Not had a software or website update for a while? Now might be a good time to look at your cybersecurity strategy. Recent ransomware attacks on hospitals and fears about cyberattacks in the run-up to the 2020 elections have cybersecurity experts on edge, so make sure your own systems are updated, and you’ve followed the latest advice.

2020 could be a turning point for many businesses, and it’s important to think ahead at how your own business will be able to adapt and survive during difficult times.


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