Coding’s simplest definition is that it tells a computer what the user (you) want it to do. You develop step-by-step commands for the computer to follow.  Many marketers have begun to learn the basics of coding and it’s left you wondering – should I learn coding, too? But you might be thinking, if it isn’t part of your job description and you’ve gotten along just fine for years without touching any code, what would you even use it for if you did learn a programming language? Isn’t it time consuming, and difficult? The answer is yes, it is. But custom programming can be an intregral part to any website or app design. Understanding the basics of coding can help you understand how things work in unison on your website, and steer clear of causing any breaks while editing your content. Being aware of the basic fundamental ideas behind coding can help inform your web or app development process, so that you know exactly why it is an important piece to your overall design, and what it’s capabilities and limitations would be.


Why It’s a Good Time to Learn Code

As the market place as a whole shifts toward more digital leaning commerce, learning code, even at a basic level, is becoming more important. Not only for younger workers to stay competitive, but for older employees in varying industries to stay sharp and able to manage a younger workforce. It allows your to remain literate in the digital space, and understand the ideas behind what is making your website thrive. In case you need more convincing, see some very prominent people, who agree with us:

Jobs and tasks are becoming more and more technically-oriented and it’s  more likely that your company will bring on highly technical roles. The most important reason to learn code is to make sure that you can speak a common language, even if you aren’t actually writing the code. Also, super secret tip: learning code can be fun.

What is ‘Code’? What is a ‘Programming Language’?

Don’t worry yourself with the myths about learning code. They’re just languages! Many people who are not familiar with code make the mistake of thinking that the language used is very technical and mathematical, which is only partially true. Think of a progamming language in the same way as English, Spanish or French. All languages (including the one used by computer programmers) follow rules, have syntax and structure, and when compiled, make a statement to convey a message. There’s a lot of programming languages out there  and with all the resources that make it easy to jump into, it’s not hard to decide on which to start on. With so much information available on the Internet, like blogs and YouTube, there are many places you can go to get great tips and tricks.

Look Who’s Coding

Interestingly enough, programming language courses are being added into the curriculum of schools and universities across the national. Children in elementary school  are learning how to code and the basics of computer programming, making them speakers of code before they’ve even reached high school.  So, it’s very important to be able to speak their language. Even if learning code intimidates you or is something you’re just not that into, the fact is if you’re in a management role, you or a fellow employee may have to hire someone who is an efficient programmer. And it’s important to be able to speak their language and have a general understanding of computer programming basics.

Where to Learn

Getting started in learning a programming language isn’t as daunting as it sounds, nor is it ever too late to learn. There’s an abundance of free and low-cost resources available online that can help you get started. If you’ve used or heard of Rosetta Stone to learn a language, you’ll be familiar with how many of the programs out there work. Ready for class?

The programs offered by Code School and Code Academy are two of the more ‘fun and easy’ ways to learn code. Perfect for testing the waters, they’re totally free and have extremely easy-to-use interfaces. Both offer walk-through tutorials, ‘learn by doing’ lessons, and provide access to an active community of both students and advisors willing to help out.

  • MEL-Technologies Solutions (Port Harcourt – Nigeria) – “Learn the technical skills you need for the job you want. Courses are designed to keep you on track, so you learn to code today, not someday. MEL-Technologies is the perfect place for aspiring coders to start learning..”
  • CodeSchool.com – “No hassle. Just learning. Code School teaches web technologies in the comfort of your browser with video lessons, coding challenges, and screencasts.”

  • CodeAcademy.com – “Interactive courses on how to program. Courses are created by community and cover CSS, Java, HTML.” Also check out their ‘Hour of Code’ iOS App to learn on the go.

The programs offered below are more professional based, and require a bit more time and financial commitment.

  • Udemy.com – “Development Courses – Learn to build IOS, Android mobile apps, or develop websites in HTML, CSS and Javascript. Programming courses in Java, C++, Ruby on Rails, Python and many more.”

  • Udacity.com – “Udacity web development courses are built with industry tech leaders such as Google, Salesforce, and others. These classes are designed to help you gain skills through web application development.”

If you want to get involved in learning code with your children, or encouraging them to learn code, here’s some great resources for that as well:

  • Code.org – “Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science. We believe computer science and computer programming should be part of the core curriculum in education, alongside other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses, such as biology, physics, chemistry and algebra.”

  • HourOfCode.com – “The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event.”

When in Doubt, Ask An Expert

Conveniently we are here to help service any of your custom programming needs as your business gears more toward the digital sphere. E-commerce, custom widgets, and awesome custom designs are all within our scope of programming expertise.

So while the thought of coding may make you a little nervous, it’s not something to shy away from. Even having a little bit of an understanding is better than having none at all. Plus, it allows you to communicate with actual programmers, gives you an understanding of what it takes to program something and makes you a better overall marketer or employee.
Have any questions about our custom programming abilities? Contact us today for more information!
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